Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ponytail or Ponyfail?

This is a photograph of a young lady whose hair is pulled back into a ponytail. She decided to add a braided piece of weave and clipped it to the front of her hair. The braided weave was suppose to be her bang. She has a neat ponytail. Her hair is nice, straight, and long. You can see her sleek babyhair. I just don't understand why she would add that fake bang to the front of her hair. It messed up the whole hairstyle. If you look closely at the picture, you can see the random clip thats holding her weave in place. You can also see some of the braided weave sticking out in the middle of her head. The only good thing about the braided weave is that the color blends in nicely with her hair. This hairstyle is a ponyfail. I have to declare this a Hair Don't!

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