Monday, January 25, 2010


This photograph shows a picture of me this Summer. The hair you see is all weave. This hairstyle only requires a stocking cap, hair tracks and hair glue; which can all be purchased at Beauty Supply Stores worldwide. The weave I used was the Duby Wrap. I put the stocking cap on my head and glued the hair tracks onto the cap; starting from the bottom on up. I then added an addition weave closure to the crown of my hair cap. The problem was that the first weave I used was human hair and the hair closure was synthetic. The difference between the two is that you can curl human hair, while most synthetic hair cannot be curled. I forgot that I had two kinds of weave in my hair and curled all of it. This was not a good idea at all. The synthetic weave ended up burning a little, which completely messed the hairstyle up. I tried all I could to make the style work, and wore the weave for one day only. I'd absolutely have to give this style a "Hair Don't!"

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