Monday, January 25, 2010

Fresh Relaxer or Fresh Disaster?

This photograph displays me with a fresh perm, also known as a fresh relaxer. This picture was taken about a year ago. I used the hair product Dark & Lovely Relaxer: Regular for my perm. Prior to getting my hair done, I began to have split ends; so I decided to also get my hair trimmed. This hairstyle was cut in nice layers. The length of my hair in this picture is to my neck. The hair length is not too short and not too long. I constantly change hairstyles, but I kept this style for about a month and a half. This is an easy hairdo that does not require much effort. At night all you have to do is wrap your hair with a scarf and you'll be set. In the morning, comb out your wrap and the curl should still be there. I'd say this hairstyle is a "Hair Do!"

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