Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Fro Has Got To Go!

I want to declare this afro a Hair Don't from the start. Prior to the "fro", I had cornrowed braids in my hair and I took them out. The horrible afro was the result of taking out my braids. My hair was crimpy and nappy all at the same time. I was at home when this photograph was taken, so I really didn't care if my family saw my bad hair. I wouldn't ever go outside with this hairstyle though. Here are a few suggestions to improving the hairstye: Pull it back into a ponytail and put a head-band over the hair, Re-braid the hair and apply a weave to it, or Get a perm and have the hair straight and silky. Again, this afro hairstyle is definitely a Hair Don't!

Monday, January 25, 2010


This photograph shows a picture of me this Summer. The hair you see is all weave. This hairstyle only requires a stocking cap, hair tracks and hair glue; which can all be purchased at Beauty Supply Stores worldwide. The weave I used was the Duby Wrap. I put the stocking cap on my head and glued the hair tracks onto the cap; starting from the bottom on up. I then added an addition weave closure to the crown of my hair cap. The problem was that the first weave I used was human hair and the hair closure was synthetic. The difference between the two is that you can curl human hair, while most synthetic hair cannot be curled. I forgot that I had two kinds of weave in my hair and curled all of it. This was not a good idea at all. The synthetic weave ended up burning a little, which completely messed the hairstyle up. I tried all I could to make the style work, and wore the weave for one day only. I'd absolutely have to give this style a "Hair Don't!"

Fresh Relaxer or Fresh Disaster?

This photograph displays me with a fresh perm, also known as a fresh relaxer. This picture was taken about a year ago. I used the hair product Dark & Lovely Relaxer: Regular for my perm. Prior to getting my hair done, I began to have split ends; so I decided to also get my hair trimmed. This hairstyle was cut in nice layers. The length of my hair in this picture is to my neck. The hair length is not too short and not too long. I constantly change hairstyles, but I kept this style for about a month and a half. This is an easy hairdo that does not require much effort. At night all you have to do is wrap your hair with a scarf and you'll be set. In the morning, comb out your wrap and the curl should still be there. I'd say this hairstyle is a "Hair Do!"